Coffee is a staple of working life, whether it's grabbing a cup with a co-worker, taking a coffee break, or making a coffee run. About two-thirds of workers (67 percent) drink coffee at work every day.

Despite the fact that people drink coffee primarily for the caffeine boost or the taste, coffee is not just about the delicious buzz. High-quality coffee is an important part of workplace culture and engagement, and workers value it.

When it comes to employee satisfaction and workplace engagement, investing in fun and tasty coffee can pay off. Read on for coffee break perks that increase employee morale, collaboration, and productivity.

1. Go Touchless

    Invest in low-contact and individual brewing coffee options to allow coworkers to safely grab their cups without spreading germs.

    2. Get a Keg of Cold Brew

      Cold brew offers nuanced flavors. Plus it has lower acid levels and less bitterness than hot-brewed varieties.

      3. Make it Customizable

        Stock up on creamers and sweeteners to suit all diets and food preferences.

        4. Get Fancy

          Invest in an espresso machine so your employees can make their favorite coffee-shop drinks. 

            Conclusion: Drink Up!

            Coffee Break, whether in person or virtually, is an essential part of the workday. Even in an era of remote work, employees can huddle around a pot of coffee to get a brain break, reconnect, and enjoy a tasty cup of coffee.


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              Carole Sprunk