How to Set Goals in the New Year

Don't just grind 2025 away — literally or figuratively. 

It's time to brew up your unique blend of resolution(s), dreams, and goals to power your passions for the next year and beyond.

When our team sat down last month to review our first full year owning Clout Coffee, we followed a 4 step structure to guide our leadership through key areas. While we focused on the business for that retreat, it's a simple framework you can use in any area of your life you're looking for clarity or change. 

Before you get started, you might want to do a little prep. Here's what you'll need:

  • Time & Space: Sound ridiculous right? But often we're so busy in the day-to-day it's difficult to prioritize the time needed to focus or find a good spot to settle in and get comfortable physically so we can explore our thoughts.
  • Something to Take Notes: Yup - you're gonna have some great ideas pop up and you'll want to capture those. If you're a digital person, open a fresh note or doc. If you're analog, grab your favorite pen and notebook or sketch pad.
  • Data & Dates: You may not need these right away if you split the steps below into separate sessions, but if you're going to do what you set out to, you're going to need to plan and accommodate for all the life that's going to happen while you're doing it. Also, numbers help turn dreams into goals and dates transform milestones into deadlines.

Got it all gathered? Great! Here's the four steps to finding your unique blend in 2025:

  1. Pour Over the Past — Thoughtfully consider the recent past, how far you've come (or gone) since the last new year. Flip through your photos, journals, or other records to reflect on the things you may not quickly or easily recall. The little moments that make life so pure, the experiences and emotions you've had. Jot down some highlights, and if there were any bitter bites, you can note those too.
  2. Awaken Your Aspirations — Give yourself permission to dream big and kick it up a notch. Ask yourself "What If...." and take it to a level you can hardly fathom coming true. Imagine what your life could be like or what change could do. Write it down and take it one - two - three steps further! What is a dream so big you feel a million steps away from it? Can you narrow it to just one that is the most important or would have the most impact for you?
  3. Espresso Your Ambitions — Now it's time to give yourself some clarity toward your collosal caffeinated dream. What is the next step toward getting there from where you are right now? Focus on the next milestone you need to hit to make progress toward it. Then break it down further into smaller steps. Jot these steps down as smaller goals toward a slightly bigger goal for the year that would have impact and movement toward your vision.
  4. Rack up Ideas — Here's where it gets tricky. Goals are fantastic, but what do you need to change in order to actually accomplish them? What ideas do you have about what you could do differently AND what do you need to continue doing the same in order to enjoy the journey as you move toward your dream? Things that should stay the same should be supportive of your vision, not something that can be used as an excuse for not achieving your goals or next steps. Things that need to change are areas to focus on steadily to find resources (space/time/money) to channel toward your goals and next steps. No idea is too small, no task too big.


There's plenty of planners, journals, and notebooks you can use to track your progress and plan your days and weeks. Be sure to assign timelines for your next steps. Then make yourself a big cup of Clout coffee and get to work! 

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